![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:25 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
People that annoy you so much that they shape your behaviour under similar circumstances. For me, it’s indecisiveness and people who don’t know where they’re going. They piss me off no end, and if I’m going somewhere new and don’t know exactly how to find it, rather than put others through that kind of treatment I prefer to locate my destination by driving straight by and looping the block.
Oh, and here’s another guy that fits with the last one of these I did:
Your turn.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:28 |
I generally tend to be an indecisive person, since I like to know all the facts before committing to one thing or another. It’s a completely different story when driving. If I’m going to do something I do it. I agree, indecisive drivers are the worst. I especially love sitting at a 4-way stop with cars at all 4 signs and NO ONE IS GOING.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:32 |
I’ve said it before, but this seriously needs to be part of every drivers ed book, class, test, whatever.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:34 |
Yeah. Unfortunately it’s more of a mindset problem I think, and it’s hard to educate that into people.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:39 |
GIF number 2, I feel like that is aggressive driving on your part. You have to realize that there are people out there that just randomly stop when they have the right-of-way for no apparent reason and be very very careful because you don’t know what the hell they are going to do next.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:42 |
Something that I learned while taking flying lessons is to “fly the airplane”. That is your number 1 priority at ALL TIMES - ie don’t let anything distract you from doing that safely.
In a car, that means not creating a hazard - no stopping in the road, cutting across 3 lanes of traffic to exit/turn, no backing up on an interstate when you miss your exit, etc. Just go around the block or pull off the road and figure it out.
It’s not hard, is it?
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:49 |
Like I said—bad habits. I know it’s a no-stop situation, so if they stop and there’s a signal going my direction and space to go by, I just coast by and tuck in behind again. As long as there’s no traffic and as long as I never actually try to pass in the corner, no harm no foul. I’m taking the correct path, it’s taking the same amount of time as what they’re doing, and it’s easier for me. Added bonus--not being directly behind someone who isn’t aware of his surroundings.
a better look at the scenario, though. Pretty odd setup.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:49 |
And now we get people stopped at stop signs texting, not moving and not seeing the car in their mirror because their head is buried in their phone. Better than texting while moving, I guess. But yeah.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:52 |
It could also be they see something you don’t. Possible emergency vehicle approaching. Pedestrian in a cross way they are waiting for. Sink hole opened up and they aren’t sure yet if they want to drive into it.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:53 |
I have no problems with people texting at lights... as long as they remember that the main reason they are in the drivers seat is to drive, and keep an eye on the lights.
But yeah, MILES better than doing it “on the fly”.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:53 |
Apparently it is.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 11:56 |
Oof, that Merc in particular looks like it could have easily ended up getting destroyed in one of at least 3 ways there. And yes, for some people, it really is hard, apparently.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:02 |
That’s true, and under conditions that can hide stuff I’m not going to pull this shit. But I know this corner well, it has good sightlines, and even if there’s a car intent on running the stop sign to the right that isn’t in view yet (due to somehow managing to get up enough speed in a very short run-up that they’re well back of the intersection and still a threat), I’m slowing for a turn anyway. Doesn’t matter to me if I go left as intended or right to avoid. Like I said bad habits but pretty harmless here.
Of course familiarity breeds contempt etc etc, you have to be aware of that...
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:05 |
I am not disagreeing with you. I’m just playing devils advocate... if he really needs one in the first place.
Sometimes it’s not indecision or hidden stuff. Sometimes car is shit and stalled.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:08 |
I said it the first time I posted it, but you know the thing that pisses me off most about that Merc? Not that he pulled the move. That was really stupid, yes, but it was almost perfectly executed and very nearly didn’t interfere with me in the least.
But he nailed the brakes right in the middle of it and I had to follow suit. Hard. You can see my nose dip. No reason for it, either... as those moves go he had lots of room.
Had he gone cleanly through, I might never have saved the clip. But that split-second hesitation, that bugs me. Just a little harder, or a little sooner, or longer... he’d have had a small amount of truck/amount of small truck to pick out of his ass.
But what does he care, the guy behind is always at fault...
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:11 |
Nah, that’s fine. I actually started out with a light-hearted reply and got serious. Forgot something I wanted to include, too... something about the caravan managing to cross the sinkhole, what was the Camry afraid of... but the moment’s gone :)
And also true, but I’d want to go by in that case too. Though I’d probably be hesitant myself then because I never want to actually pass in this situation, and I wouldn’t be able to tell if he was an idiot or a victim for stopping.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:50 |
Man I was driving down the highway the other day, I see a car on the left hand shoulder with its flashers on. I’m in the right lane doing 75 there’s a van in front of me probably 1/2 mile or so doing around 70. As he’s passing the car that has it’s flashers he slams on the brakes puts his left blinker on but doesn’t get over into the left lane. I’m like wtf is this guy doing, slow down and honk at him. So he crawls along in the left lane, no flashers nothing just 5-10mph in the left hand lane on a highway. I pass him and see a dog running up the left shoulder. How this dog got there I have no idea, where am at on the highway is nothing but field for miles, the nearest exist in either direction is +2miles. I get that the person who stopped originally was probably the owner and worried but it gets worse. I watch from my rear view because there’s nothing in front of me for miles. The dude in the van is calling the dog over and now the dog is in the middle of the highway. A jeep is approaching in the right hand lane, he decides he wants to help too so he pulls over partially onto the right hand shoulder and trys to call the dog over. The dog is fucking sitting in the middle of the two lanes at this point when I see a semi truck coming up behind. You could tell he was braking as hard as was possible while still being safe about it. Somehow he lucked out and the dog didn’t dart out in front of him and he barely made it between the two morons who stopped on an active highway. I lost site of them after that but as far as I know the dog made it. I just couldn’t believe it.
I got stuck in traffic in Detroit once on I-94 too, wondering wtf is going on I get to the front of the traffic line and this girl is chasing baby ducks across all three lanes. How her baby ducks got onto the highway still puzzles me.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:51 |
Yeah, I can see how some of my driving habits have become a little more aggressive as a result of encountering bad drivers.
For one thing, I sure do “hold my ground” more often. For example, if someone pulls out of a driveway right in front of me, I try to maintain my speed, only braking at the last moment to avoid a crash. I hope that my car getting close to theirs will convey the message that I had the right-of-way, and they CANNOT simply expect me to slow down and yield to their stupidity. This was a close call, and they might not be so lucky in front of the next driver they do this to.
Besides, there have been times when someone cuts in front of me like that, and actually accelerates quickly enough that I’d never even have to slow down at all. To be honest, I’m ok with that. If they can find a gap that’s big enough for them, and take it without interrupting traffic, that’s fine by me.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:53 |
how are they even that stupid
![]() 03/03/2017 at 12:57 |
I’m with you on both counts. The first one though... Every time it’s like “shit I just did that. what if” but I do it again anyway. Also (don’t do this kids) jaywalkers.
And yeah, if I don’t have to slow down, I don’t care how small the gap was. It worked, get on with it. I try to practise that myself. Fact is you’re never going to be perfect all the time, and if I end up pulling out on someone due to a lapse of judgement I rug it.
![]() 03/03/2017 at 13:27 |
I wondered the same thing. All the dog was doing before they called him was running with traffic too. If they had just let him run his little heart out then he probably would have just laid in the median and rested.